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Toronto-based software development company specializing in enterprise marketing solutions seeks funding for a major project.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 200 thousand
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Enterprise Software
Locations  Toronto
Business Overview
- Software development company based in Toronto, focusing on enterprise marketing solutions.
- This software is equipped and integrated with email, SMS, SEO, call center, marketing automation, and social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
- Additionally, the company provides analytics, lead scoring, and grading services, and has successfully integrated with 8112 coupons in the USA market.
- The revenue model of the company is primarily based on subscriptions, offered on a monthly or yearly basis, as well as a one time transaction-based, with monthly billing.
- Notably, the company's current major client is Air Canada.
- The company has recently secured a significant USD 178 million contract from a major grocery store chain with 20.5k stores across North America.
- The project is estimated to take up to 4 years to complete. - The company is currently not generating profits because currently the funds are being reinvested in product development to cater to this large contract.
- The company is seeking funding to support the execution of this major contract.
- The current clients primarily consist of retail supermarket outlets, and it is currently selling its software to approximately 5 clients per year.
- There are 2 permanent employees, the rest are temporary or contract-based.
Products & Services Overview
Enterprise Marketing Software - equipped and integrated with email, SMS, SEO, call center, marketing automation, and social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Additionally, the company provides analytics, lead scoring, and grading services, and has successfully integrated with 8112 coupons in the USA market.
Current clients are retail supermarkets and users are retailers.
Sold both on a subscription model or transaction model.
Capitalization Overview
Business is self-funded. Having outstanding bank loans. There is 1 owner, holding 100% shares in the business.
Assets Overview
There are no physical assets owned by the business. However the Intellectual property of the software is worth USD 1 MM.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 2 million for 25.0% stake (Native Currency: USD 2,000,000)
Reason: Seeking investment for execution of the major project in hand. The owner is open to giving a stake ... View More
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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