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Commercial Nurseries Company for Sale in Bangkok, Thailand

Established cannabis enterprise with a thriving dispensary, grow room, and a loyal customer base.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 80 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 90 thousand
EBITDA Margin 10 - 20 %
Industries Cafes + 1 more
Locations  Bangkok
Local Time 5:36 PM Asia / Bangkok
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 54 thousand (Native Currency: THB 2,000,000)
Reason: We have decided to sell the business because we need to prioritize the family's established business... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 16 thousand
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Business Overview

Client base: We have successfully served over 1,000 customers, demonstrating a strong and growing customer base in the local market.

Impressive sales volume: Our dispensary has sold over 200 kg of cannabis products, showcasing the high demand and popularity of our offerings.

Licensing and Compliance: We hold all the necessary licenses, from cultivation to retail, ensuring that our operations are fully legal and compliant with government regulations.

Trusted Vendor Partnerships: We have established solid partnerships with five main vendors who supply high-quality cannabis flowers ranging from mid-grade to exotic tiers, as well as reliable accessories.

Monthly order reporting: As a responsible business, we submit the order list to the government every month, ensuring transparency and adherence to legal requirements.

Business Growth Rate: We have achieved impressive growth within just 9 months of operation, with consistent monthly revenues of approximately 160,000 baht from the dispensary and 90,000 baht from the grow room.

Experienced management: Our business is led by a team of experienced promoters with extensive knowledge of the cannabis industry, ensuring sound decision-making and strategic planning.

Strong business relationships: Building on trust and integrity, we have cultivated strong relationships with customers, vendors, and other stakeholders, fostering loyalty and support.

Award Recognition: Our commitment to product quality and exceptional customer service has earned us recognition in the industry, with potential awards and accolades to showcase our dedication to excellence.

Market reputation: Our business has gained a positive reputation in the local market for providing top-notch cannabis products and services, leading to word-of-mouth referrals and organic growth.

Community engagement: As responsible cannabis entrepreneurs, we actively engage with the community through educational initiatives, workshops, and events to promote responsible cannabis use and destigmatize its consumption.

On average, we receive 5-10 customers per day.

We have 18 growing plants at the dispensary and 50 plants growing in different locations.

Products & Services Overview

Cannabis flower: A variety of cannabis strains available for purchase, ranging from Indica, Sativa, and hybrid varieties around 50 strains.

Pre-rolled joints: Ready-to-smoke pre-rolled cannabis joints for convenience.

CBD edibles: Infused snacks, candies, chocolates, and beverages that contain cannabis.

CBD topicals: Creams, lotions, and balms infused with CBD, used for localized relief.

Smoking Accessories: Various smoking devices like pipes, bongs, and rolling papers.

Growing Equipment: Hydroponic systems, lights, nutrients, and other equipment for home growers.

Consultation services: Expert advice and guidance on cannabis use, strains, and consumption methods.

Delivery services: Home delivery of cannabis products for eligible customers.

Loyalty programs: Customer reward programs to encourage repeat business.

Events and workshops: Cannabis-related events, workshops, and educational sessions for customers.

Compliance services: Assistance with understanding and adhering to cannabis regulations.

Personalized packaging: Customized packaging for gift or promotional purposes.

Assets Overview

The buyer of the cannabis business would acquire the following tangible and intangible assets:

Tangible assets:

Dispensary location: The physical rented location of the dispensary, is equipped with fixtures, furniture, and equipment.

Grow room facility: The physical facility for cannabis cultivation, including the hydroponic system and growing equipment.

Cannabis inventory: Existing stock of cannabis products, including flowers, edibles, concentrates, and accessories.

Smoking accessories: Inventory of smoking devices like pipes, bongs, rolling papers, etc.

Electronics and entertainment: Assets such as televisions, PlayStation 4 (PS4), Oculus VR system, electric drums, guitars, and microphones in the dispensary.

Kitchen and living room equipment: The kitchen appliances and living room furnishings for customer comfort.

Cultivation equipment: The growing lights, DWC and drip system, and other cultivation equipment in the grow room.

Inventory unit equipment: Storage and monitoring equipment on the second floor of the grow room.

Intangible Assets:

Business name and branding: The established brand name, logo, and overall branding of the cannabis business.

Customer database: Information and contact details of the existing customer base.

Vendor Relationships: Established partnerships with five main vendors for cannabis flowers and accessories supply.

Licenses and permits: All legal licenses and permits are required for cultivation and retail operations.

Reputation and Goodwill: Positive reputation, customer loyalty, and goodwill developed in the local market.

Intellectual property: Any patents, trademarks, or unique processes related to cannabis products or services.

Training and know-how: The knowledge and experience of the promoter in the cannabis industry.

These assets collectively form the value proposition of the cannabis business, providing the buyer with a solid foundation to continue and expand the operations successfully.

Facilities Overview


Our dispensary is conveniently located opposite the waterside restaurant in the Ekamai-Ramintra area, boasting an area of approximately 80-90 sqm. The interior is thoughtfully designed to provide a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for our customers.

Inside the dispensary, we offer various entertainment options to enhance our customers' experience. We have four televisions, a PlayStation 4 (PS4), an Oculus VR system, electric drums, two guitars with amps, and a microphone for those who wish to enjoy some recreational activities during their visit.

Moreover, our dispensary features an impressive display of cannabis products. We showcase around 50 strains of dry flowers, providing a wide variety for our customers to choose from. Additionally, we have a diverse selection of equipment to cater to different consumption preferences.

The facility also includes two bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and a cozy living room area, making it a welcoming space for customers to relax and socialize.

Rent/Lease Details:

The rental cost for our dispensary is approximately 25,000 baht per month, providing excellent value for the prime location and the amenities offered.

Grow Room:

Our grow room is situated in the Laksi area and is housed within a three-story townhouse spanning an impressive 250 sqm. The grow room is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and systems to ensure the optimal growth of our cannabis plants.

The third floor of the townhouse is dedicated to the cultivation area, boasting 13 high-quality growing lights and a fully equipped DWC (Deep Water Culture) and drip system. With this setup, we can nurture around 40 healthy and thriving cannabis plants.

On the second floor, we have an inventory unit to store essential supplies and monitor our cultivation processes efficiently.

The first floor is utilized as a versatile and free space, enabling us to expand our operations or implement additional innovative practices in the future.

Total Cost:

The lease cost for our grow room is 17,000 baht per month, which includes the significant advantage of a spacious and well-equipped facility to support our cannabis cultivation endeavors.

Rent for our dispensary is 25,000 baht per month. We have established a strong foundation for our cannabis business, allowing us to provide high-quality products to our valued customers while adhering to all legal and regulatory requirements. Our facilities are thoughtfully designed and well-maintained to create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone who visits us.

Capitalization Overview

- The business is self-funded.

- 100% owned by 2 partners from the same family and the split is 50 percent each.

- The dispensary has another shareholder of 30% who is a friend of the co-partner.

- Business has no debt.

Recent Activity
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