6.3 / 10

Norway-based brewery expanding to Jaipur in march next year with craft beers unavailable in India.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales Nil
EBIDTA Margin Nil
Industries Breweries
Locations  Jaipur
Business Overview
- It is a dorm room startup that has won 3 awards in the beer association.
- The brewery is not yet operational. The place has been decided and have spoken to the authorized authorities.
- 600 liters of beer can be brewed in a day and has a production capacity of 6,500 liters.
- The director has over 5 years of experience running a microbrewery and a decade of experience in the F&B industry with a master's degree in International Hospitality.
Products & Services Overview
Different flavors of beer (18 original beer flavors and 74 in the r&d pipeline) that are unavailable in India yet.
Capitalization Overview
- The business is funded through personal funds. - The company has 2 directors with 80% and 20% shareholding and has no debts or liabilities.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets include 1 brewing machine, 2 fermentation tanks, and related equipment.
Partial Stake Sale
USD 90 thousand for 45.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 7,500,000)
Reason: The business is yet to start. Brewery is set to launch in March next year.
Includes physical assets worth USD 54 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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