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Aesthetic clinic in London, UK, with high demand services, 20 clients/day, and high profit margins.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 1.1 million
EBIDTA Margin 40 %
Industries Beauty Clinics
Locations  London
Business Overview
- Business based in London, UK, is a prominent aesthetic clinic offering a range of cutting-edge treatments to help individuals enhance their appearance and boost their confidence.
- The clinic has garnered a substantial client base due to its highly experienced doctors and versatile treatments.
Caters to a diverse clientele seeking solutions for various aesthetic concerns.
- The clinic's revenue model is driven by the provision of premium aesthetic treatments such as botox, dermal fillers, and PRP therapy, along with the most advanced technological devices. These services are in high demand and contribute significantly to the clinic's revenue stream.
- The business boasts a team of skilled staff with extensive experience in aesthetic procedures. Their expertise ensures the delivery of safe and effective treatments, enhancing the clinic's reputation and attracting more clients. Runs on 3 permanent employees most of the time, but sometimes temporary employees are hired on need basis.
- The clinic has also established strong relationships within the industry, collaborating with reputable medical and pharmaceutical companies to offer innovative treatments like Profhilo. These partnerships enhance the clinic's credibility and enable access to cutting-edge technologies.
- The clinic boasts four treatment rooms and has demonstrated consistently high-profit margins.
- The business has experienced a significant increase in annual turnover, attributed to the successful introduction of new equipment and services, which further resulted in an increase in client base.
- Serves an average of 8 to 20 clients per day, with an average service value of £320.
- The business holds a valid council license and insurance to practice in this industry.
Products & Services Overview
Latest advanced medical aesthetic services, such as skin care with advanced technological devices, injectables such as botox and fillers, and laser.
Capitalization Overview
Business is self-funded. No outstanding loans or liabilities. There is 1 owner, holding 100% shares in the business.
Assets Overview
Physical assets include the treatment machines, equipment, interiors, furniture etc.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.1 million (Native Currency: GBP 850,000)
Reason: The owner is relocating to Dubai to be with family.
Includes physical assets worth USD 150 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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